Resident Evil – Code: Veronica was later re-released for Dreamcast in Japan in an updated form as Code: Veronica Complete, which included slight changes, many of which revolved around story cutscenes. The fourth game in the series, Resident Evil – Code: Veronica, was developed for the Dreamcast and released in 2000, followed by ports of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. In addition, ports of all three were released for Windows. A port of Resident Evil 2 was released for the Nintendo 64. The first entry in the series was the first game to be dubbed a " survival horror", a term coined for the new genre it initiated, and its critical and commercial success led to the production of two sequels, Resident Evil 2 in 1998 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in 1999, both for the PlayStation. Resident Evil made its debut on the PlayStation in 1996 and was later ported to the Sega Saturn. A contest was held among company personnel to choose a new name this competition turned up Resident Evil, the name under which it was released in the west. When in late 1994 marketing executives were setting up to release Biohazard in the United States, it was pointed out that securing the rights to the name Biohazard would be very difficult as a DOS game had been registered under that name, as well as a New York hardcore punk band called Biohazard. The development of the first Resident Evil, released as Biohazard in Japan, began in 1993 when Capcom's Tokuro Fujiwara told Shinji Mikami and other co-workers to create a game using elements from Fujiwara's 1989 game Sweet Home. Resident Evil Survivor 2 – Code: Veronica The films received generally negative reviews, but have grossed more than $1.2 billion, making Resident Evil the second highest-grossing video game film series. The first Resident Evil film was released in 2002, followed by five sequels and a 2021 reboot, Welcome to Raccoon City. Resident Evil is Capcom's best-selling franchise, with 127 million copies sold worldwide as of June 2022, and is the best-selling horror game series. Capcom has also released four Resident Evil remakes: Resident Evil (2002), Resident Evil 2 (2019) and Resident Evil 3 (2020), and the upcoming Resident Evil 4 scheduled for 2023. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017) moved the series to a first-person perspective. With Resident Evil 4 (2005), the franchise shifted to more dynamic shooting action it influenced the evolution of the survival horror and third-person genres, popularizing the "over-the-shoulder" third-person view. It is credited for defining the survival horror genre and returning zombies to popular culture. The first Resident Evil was created by Shinji Mikami and Tokuro Fujiwara and released for the PlayStation in 1996. Resident Evil is the highest-grossing horror franchise.

The franchise has expanded into a live-action film series, animated films, television series, comic books, novels, audio dramas, and other media and merchandise. It consists of survival horror, third-person shooter and first-person shooter games, with players typically surviving in environments filled with zombies and other creatures. Resident Evil, known in Japan as Biohazard, is a Japanese horror game series and media franchise created by Capcom.